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NOW BOOKING Boat & Jetski RENTALS Book your Summer Toy Rentals NOW! SxS, UTVs, Boats, JetSkis and More! Get the best rental rates by booking early for Every Season! Book Your Summer PowerSports Rental NOW!Book by Phone Top Brand Summer Toys for Rent!  Summer...

Arbitration Agreement

The County of Salt Lake, in the State of Utah, of the United States of America is the location of transaction for all business related to Club Powersports and so shall be the venue for all disputes initiated by any party other than Club Powersports or its management...


1.  No refunds for early returns. Also, see our Cancellation & Rescheduling Policy. 2. Assumption of Risk. Renter acknowledges that the activities for which the Craft is designed include inherent dangers, including the risk of bodily injury and/or death. Renter...
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